Current Research Projects
Click HERE to download the Religious Racism and Resistance in the Vodou Community Survey Report
Principal Investigator
Religious Racism and Resistance Among the Vodou Community in the United States
Funder: Henry Luce Foundation (via Dr. Danielle Boaz)
Awarded a $1,000 grant as a participant in the Community Project to Prevent Discrimination and Violence Against Black and African Religions, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Design items for an online survey and questions for age-based focus groups
Facilitate survey distribution, focus groups, and written analysis of data
Read the final report of survey results! Download your copy here.
Suggested Citation:
Martin, K.M. (2023). Religious Racism & Resistance in the Vodou Community: A Report of the Community Project to Prevent Discrimination and Violence Against Black and African Religions.
Principal Investigator
Embodied Memories of the Bay: Narratives of African Diasporic Religious Communities
Funder: Henry Luce Foundation (via The Crossroads Project)
Awarded a $10,000 Community Stories Fellowship from the Crossroads Project
Designed and conduct all data collection for an arts-based, relational narrative case study to explore how adult and youth members of African diasporic religions navigate dynamic and hyperlocal understandings of race, nation, religion, gender, and privilege in the Bay area of California
Research Collaborator
Collaborative Research: Linguistic Production, Perception, and Identity in the Career Mobility of Black Faculty in Linguistics and the Language Sciences
Funder: National Science Foundation (#2126405)
Attend monthly focus groups and professional learning workshops
Support research and editing of the Talking Faculty book