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Research Trajectory

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As a transdisciplinary scholar of social justice pedagogy, literacy, and linguistics, I use my lived experience and participatory community-based methods to examine linguistic variation, discourses of deviance, and the intersectional experiences of underrepresented groups in P-12 education research—namely Black youth in elite, independent schools and Black youth who are members of African diasporic religions. As a creative writer, educator, and member of African diasporic religious communities, my scholarship seeks to integrate racial and religious identities with studies of language. Religion, while a critical aspect of identity and important driver of politics, has largely been marginalized in literacy and sociolinguistic study. Through my research, service, and community engagement, I strive to: (1) disrupt narratives of deviance and deficit ascribed to racialized youth and educators in schools and (2) create joyful, humanizing pedagogical tools that inspire learners of all ages to pursue their dreams.  For a PDF of my full research trajectory, click here.  Download a full version of my CV here. 

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Email: kmmartin [at]


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